Citelighter - Stronger writers faster I just reviewed this Web 2.0 Tool for teachers, and I feel this is geared more towards instructors of...

Media Enhanced Learning PIDP 3240
Well, this class has certainly been an eye-opener to the world of technology. I feel like a small fish swimming in a big pond. I am only...

Books to Read
Here I am compiling a list of books that have piqued my interest: 1. You've gotta connect

My "Aha" moment
It was enlightening to research Gamification and Digital Game Based Learning in the PIDP 3100 Foundations of Adult Education course. My...

Implications of Gamification & Digital Game Based Learning (DGBL)
IMPLICATIONS The implications of the Gamification and Digital Game Based Learning trends on the way I instruct over the coming years...

Trends in Adult Education
As a student of the PIDP 3100 course ‘Foundations of Adult Education’, we were asked to research and select a trend in adult education....

Trends of e-learning
The wave of the future is e-learning, whereas 'traditional' classroom settings in brick and mortar buildings are becoming somewhat...
Kahoot to learn
Classrooom Response Systems are cellphone/tablet-based apps that allow an instructor to run quick quizzes during a class. To check for...

Classroom Management
I was asked by a new instructor what I do to “set the tone” for my classroom when starting with a new student group. This instructor...

PIDP 3250 Digital Project - Flipped Classroom
Please take a few minutes to watch my very first digital project! Here is the link: