KAI - Knowledge Assessment Instrument
I have just embarked on my PIDP 3230 course "Evaluation of Learning". After completing the first Reflective Writing assignment, I decided...

Creating Infographics
I have created my first infographic using a platform called piktochart! The topic I chose was 'Top Spas in British Columbia'. I welcome...

Learning to code
Today I took my first class on Learning to code. How exciting! We used a platform called Mozilla Thimble worked with both HTML and CSS...

Copyright or Copywrong
I found this great presentation which explains copyright information. It has been presented utilizing a Web 2.0 platform called Haiku...

Death by PowerPoint
My fellow classmate Darcy created a video about PowerPoint. He makes some really great suggestions: https://twitter.com/VccDarcy/status/8...

Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts
This video is a good one for any instructor to watch. Susan talks about the power of introverts in the classroom....

Edmodo - Web 2.0 Tool
Gather materials for your class, connect with other teachers, and organize groups of students for collaborative learning. Students can...

Copyright Issues with Digital Images Podcast
Yippee! I have conquered uncharted territory once again with my very first podcast!!! Discover how you can utilize digital images found...

How to create a podcast
I found a really great website that explains how to create a podcast with simple easy to follow directions: http://www.razorsocial.com/po...
Cool! I just found a great web 2.0 tool - https://librivox.org/ This makes books in the public domain available, for free, in audio...