About the Author
My name is Shannon and I am a self proclaimed Learner 4 Life. I have always enjoyed reading non-fiction books on self improvement such as 'The law of success in 16 lessons' and 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill, or 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' by Robert Kiyosaki.
Rarely will I be found reading a novel, or watching television as I believe in achieving success, which does not come without work. I am always learning what I can from who I can.
"Learn from the mistakes of others as there certainly is not enough time in life to make them all yourself"
I do enjoy a life of adventure and believe that if you work hard, you play hard. I have skydived, flown a plane, rode North America's fastest zipline, dog sledded through the mountains, bob sledded, and will soon be knocking another thing off the bucket list: hiking the west coast trail!
"Live the width of life, not just the length of it"
I strive to be the best at whatever I set my mind to, and right now that includes finishing my Spa Management Certificate, teaching my 2nd year of Esthetics, earning my PIDP Diploma, and continuing my journey as a national educator on waxing.
My Expertise