Poster Sessions
I reviewed some past student’s digital projects to get some ideas for the one I will be creating.
The one I will be focusing in on today is "Poster Sessions"
While viewing this video, I felt engaged. The gentleman's voice was well paced and the audio was clear. The illustrations were great, especially the one that said 'No to powerpoint' - I thought that was cute. It brought back memories for me from another PIDP course I took.
I really liked how the presenter opened with some background info, before presenting his technique of poster sessions.
I also enjoyed the illustration of the front of the textbook we are using, and how he cited the page he gained this valuable information from.
He made some great points:
- Learner centered teaching lightens the workload of the teacher.
- Engages students in the hard messy work of teaching.
- Setting up posters the day before helps to avoid tripping over easels and chairs
- Have the class mingle while others are presenting.
- Summarize key points of a favorite poster in a journal entry.
- Share the learning.
I also liked how he presented his references at the end of the video. These are all things I am going to consider when creating my own digital project.
Some further learning I discovered on this topic was that posters are a great way to stimulate a flow of ideas while encouraging students to think out of the box.
Presenting posters in front of the class will help my students to get comfortable speaking to and in front of others as this will be required in the practical field. The presentation also opens up a forum of discussion for their fellow students, ultimately creating a buzzing learning environment.
I can also see how integrating poster making into my classroom will facilitate team work and understanding along with creative thinking. Students have to initially research the information, analyze it and then disseminate it. They will use critical thinking, collaboration, and communication with each other. It will provide my students with an opportunity to learn by doing, which will in turn strengthen their learning.
Students are able to visually present the key points of their topic, while they are 'speaking it into existence'. This aids in their overall retention of the information (by teaching it to others).
The students will receive immediate feedback from their peers and instructors.
I will definitely incorporate some of this information I have learned. We have had students complete projects in the past, but have not shared their work with their peers. I feel now that this is important for everyone's learning.